If you decided to become cosmetologist in the State of Arkansas, then this article will help you to get some knowledge on how to get the cosmetology license in Arkansas.
In order to get the cosmetologist license you should have the following qualifications:
You need to follow some steps to complete the licensing process. Here you may see the mentioned steps:
The cosmetology programs can be figured as a certificate or diploma program or an associate degree as well. You need to complete at least 1500 hours of training for getting the cosmetologist license.
The cosmetology training programs are held by the junior colleges, vacation schools or cosmetology schools.
The fee for the examination is $65.
You should know, that the examination process includes both written and practical parts. After passing the practical part of the examination you will have permission for taking part in the written (theory) examination. The cost for the written examination is $60. If you pass the examination successfully, then you will receive the cosmetologist license. In case of the failure, you need to contact PSI to apply for the exam once more. There is no need to submit the authorization letter.
You can apply for the license renewal process every two years online through Arkansas Cosmetology licensing, inspection and permit system․
The cost of the license renewal is $50.
Currently there are no requirements for the continuing education, but some cosmetologists prefer to attend additional trainings to follow the latest trends in cosmetology.
If your license has expired more than 30 days, then you should mail to Arkansas Department of Health and pay the needed fee for the renewal process. You can renew your license up to 5 years after the expiration date. You are not allowed to work with the expired license or else you will receive a violation by the Cosmetology Inspector.
In Arkansas you may be offered by the following licenses for the cosmetologists:
You need to complete 1500 hours of training for bleaching, coloring, styling, cutting, treating natural hair, hairpieces or wigs.
You should pass 600 hours of training for cutting, polishing, manicuring, coloring nails.
You should complete 600 hours of training for removing unwanted hair from the body using different devices or depilatories. If you want to become an electrologist in the State of Arkansas, then you should be at least 18 years old and graduated from high school.
500 hours of training is needed for massaging the body with or without lotions or creams.
You need to complete 600 hours of training to beautify the body using body lotions, tonics and creams.